Showing posts with label Obesity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obesity. Show all posts

Fat People Make Quick glance Hungry

Fat People Make Quick glance Hungry
Is it true that your appetite will increase if you see fat people eat? Sure enough, studies prove someone so quick hunger and appetite increases when you see fat people.

Just by looking at the fat, can increase appetite and food menu choices tend to become unhealthy. If you usually avoid sugar, that person could forget for a moment and keep the appetite of unhealthy foods such as sweet and fatty foods.

The latest research is feared to further strengthen the negative stigma against fat people. Scientists conduct two separate studies for this research. The researchers are Dr. Margaret C. Campbell of the Leeds School of Business and Gina S. Mohr of the University of Colorado.

The first study conducted in an office lobby, by distributing a questionnaire which must be read and filled in by respondents. There are 3 types of questionnaires circulated, each accompanied by drawings of fat, the slim and light one more picture.

As a thank-you note, respondents who had taken the time to answer the questionnaire are welcome to take candy. Quoted from Eurekalert, Friday (4/22/2011), the respondents take their own sweets at will because the investigators provide it in large quantities.

When compared, there is a relationship between types of questionnaires were distributed with the amount of candy taken. Respondents who filled in a questionnaire pictorial light and slim people take fewer sweets than the respondents who filled in a questionnaire pictorial fat people.

While the second study conducted in several party events, meals interspersed with a buffet menu. Unbeknownst to the respondents, the researchers presenting guests who have a very fat body and stood out to some of the party.

In the event, guests attended a party that is not fat, servings of food and diet choices nothing flashy. There are indeed rather good although the menu is not healthy, but most only take vegetables and fibrous foods for a diet.

But when there is room presented fat, people who are dieting bandwagon even take fatty foods and sugary drinks. Portion also increased, thus implying that these people forget the diet program.

Sports that Make the Grease Pas (obesity)

Sports that Make the Grease Pas (obesity)
People who are overweight or obese have a risk of injury is higher, hence the choice of sports to be precise in order to feel the benefits.

Exercise is one important way to solve the problem of obesity. The human body should be in ideal proportion because if too fat are at greater risk of various diseases such as cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), hypertension, diabetes.

However, for obese people to be careful exercising to prevent overheating that could make it more difficult to breathe, and should not be too put pressure on the joint.

There are some sports that ideally done by fat people, as quoted from and Helium, Friday (22/04/2011), namely:

1. Walk
This simple exercise can be done anywhere. Start with short distances and are committed to doing every day. After 1-2 weeks, add the distance traveled and will from time to time reaching distance and exercise time is longer.

2. Exercise to build strength (strength building)
One example is to conduct basic training abdomen, which is supine on the floor with knees bent and feet on the ground and then use your abdominal muscles to lift the chest, neck and head. Start with 10 repetitions and later improved.

If you want to do in the gym, you should ask for help from personal trainers who can help provide whatever training is appropriate and can be useful. For example, do weight training and using a machine that can work for large muscles like thighs for the beginner.

3. Swim
This exercise is an appropriate amount of exercise is recommended because it has a risk of injury to a smaller and do not put pressure excess in the joints. Try to start it once a week.

4. Bicycles static
Sport is a good option for obese people and enough to burn many calories in the body.

The main thing for people with excess weight is not too forced or pushed himself too hard and do not be discouraged that this is not easy to do. Getting health and a better stamina is a journey, because it all must be gradual. 

Let Fat Arm Not sagged

Let Fat Arm Not sagged
Excess fat in the arm is often a problem especially for women who make the arm look sagged. Despite losing weight, fat in the arm sometimes never shrunk. How can I make the arm do not sagged?

To eliminate the fat that sagged in the arm, which needs to be done is to build muscle. By developing the muscles, the body will burn more calories, even while you're sleeping.

Some ways to remove fat that sagged in the arm, as reported by Hubpages, Wednesday (02/09/2011):

1. Exercise and weight lifting barbell
There are some weight training can do to burn fat in the arm, such as barbells and weight lifting. There are three main areas on the arm that can isolate and strengthen muscles, the biceps, triceps and shoulders. By doing this exercise, the body will be difficult to store fat in the arm because the muscles are always working.

2. Push ups
Push ups are an effective way to burn fat arm. If you want to do exercises that will work on biceps, triceps and forearms at the same time, you have to do some push ups. Doing this exercise will help burn calories and also help you strengthen your back and lose weight.

3. Aerobic
Fat in the arm can also be burned with cardio exercise such as aerobics. You can do by watching videos or join an aerobics class. Dancing, running and other cardio exercise can burn fat in the arm.

Do it regularly will not only help eliminate the fat in the arm, but also will help you lower your overall body fat.

4. Eat healthy foods
You can remove fat in the arm by starting to change unhealthy eating patterns. Fruits and vegetables are healthier than processed foods like candy or chips.

Baked goods is higher in protein, vitamins and minerals than the fried foods and fats will help lower the arm. You must consider how much sugar and fat that you eat.

More and More Stupid Fat

More and More Stupid Fat
Overweight and obesity alias can not only dangerous to health because it can be a risk factor for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, but also can make your thinking ability decreases. The more fat, brain volume decreases.

Research recently conducted American scientists conclude that the brains of people who are overweight (obesity) will begin to deteriorate when it reaches the age of 40 years.

In that study, scientists involved participants who varied with age range 40 to 60 years. Participants were divided into three groups based on body weight, normal, overweight (overweight) and obesity (overweight).

The three groups of participants were asked to solve complex problems and his brain activity measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Results from the settlement of the problem indicates there is little difference in the participants of the three groups, but the image of MRI showed a decreasing function of the parietal lobe of the brain a significant part in the obese group.

Scientists say the gray matter (gray areas) in obese people (obese) reacted differently to tasks that are regulated as compared with those with normal weight.

In addition, the level of brain atrophy is directly associated with Body Mass Index (BMI). The researchers also showed that people with excess body weight had been developed atrophy (shrinkage of cells) of brain tissue in several areas at once, ie frontal lobe, hippocampus, frontal callosal convolution and others.

When compared to people with normal weight, brain volume of people who are obese 8 percent smaller, as reported by GeniusBeauty, Saturday (05/03/2011).

The report in the journal Health from other scientific studies also indicate that obesity increases the risk of weakening the ability to think with age.

While a study in 2009 conducted by the University of Pittsburgh found that the brains of people who are overweight (overweight) will experience a depreciation of 4 percent, while those who are obese (above overweight) will experience brain shrinkage by 8 percent.

Sudha Seshadri, MD, a professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, said the cause of this problem is the fat in the abdomen, also known as visceral fat (visceral fat). The results of this study have been published online in 2010 in the Annals of Neurology.

"The greater the amount of visceral fat a person has to make his brain getting smaller. A small brain volume is associated with reduced cognitive functioning person," said Sudha Seshadri, MD.