In addition to the brand name label, clothing label in general only in size only. Hazard warning labels are now breast and prostate cancer will also be pinned to raise public awareness of the importance of routine examination.
Liability for the apparel industry to put warning labels on cancer will soon be enforced in Brazil. The idea was initiated by activists concerned about cancer from 12 years ago is now awaiting approval from the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.
Later, every bra sold must include a label warning of breast cancer and the importance of self examination regularly. As is known, breast cancer currently include most types of cancer suffered by women in the world.
As for men, hazard warning and prevention of prostate cancer will be installed on every product briefs. The label was also advocated the use of condoms to prevent transmission of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) triggers cervical cancer in women.
The plan to require installation of additional labels trigger various responses from the clothing industry in the country. Some do not mind, although there is also a judge there is no direct relationship between cancer and underwear.
"This relationship (between cancers with underwear) really does not make sense," said Maria Teresa Puglesi, an associate legal counsel of the apparel industry in Brazil as quoted by FoxNews, Thursday (05/26/2011).
Meanwhile, among scientists and academics to assess the breakthrough was quite interesting and innovative in reducing the number of people with cancer. Some of these circles express appreciation and support for planned implementation of the new policy.
"This policy is not very common, but Brazil always has an interesting approach to overcome various health problems," said Amy Nunn, professor of medicine at Brown University who is also an activist concerned about HIV / AIDS.
The approach referred to Prof. Nunn, among others in the fight against cancer through anti-smoking movement. Starting in the 1990s, Brazil has been aggressively campaigning to require the installation of the images about the adverse effects of cigarette smoke on cigarette packaging.