Treating headache should not be arbitrary, because the types and causes vary. Because if not careful, the wrong choice of drugs can actually trigger another type of headache.
Type of headache is the lightest it can be cured with ordinary headache medicine. But there are also to be followed by antibiotics, or even a supplement to maintain nerve function.
In order not wrong in choosing a medication, recognize the 5 types of headaches, as quoted by Health.com, on Friday (06/18/2010), below.
1. Tension headache
It is a type of headache is the most common form of pain or soreness that is felt constantly around the temples or the back of the neck and head. Not as severe as migraine, tension headaches are not accompanied by nausea and vomiting and not too distracting activity. The drugs are sold freely powerful enough to handle, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen.
Experts suspect, the cause of this type of headache is the contraction of neck and scalp that usually accompany the condition of stress. Can also be triggered by changes in chemical composition in the brain.
2. Cluster headache
This type of headache this one attack more men than women. It usually occurs in mendadap in one group, with symptoms of severe pain on one side of the head. Sometimes accompanied by watery eyes, nasal congestion and runny nose on the same side of the head. A person who experienced it will feel anxious, uncomfortable, such as in patients with migraine.
The exact cause is unknown, but suspected a genetic component interference. There is no drug that can effectively cure, but medications can reduce pain symptoms.
3. Sinus headache
Sinus was inflamed because of infection can cause pain in the head. Usually accompanied by fever, and should be checked degan MRI or CT scan to determine changes in fluid composition, or with fiber optic to see any pus.
In addition to pain relief, antibiotics are also needed by penerita this type of headache. if necessary, your doctor may prescribe allergy or lozenges.
4. Rebound hadache
Do not indiscriminate use pain medication because of excessive use is one cause of this type of headache on this one. Rebound headache is a headache that continues beulang, and sometimes even more severe each time treated.
One theory says, too many drugs cause the brain's response and instead jumped aggravate headaches. Another theory mengatahan, rebound headache is withdrawal symptoms as feedback effects after drug levels in the blood thinning.
5. Migraine headache
Type headaches are also commonly found is a neurological disorder (nerve) and is defined by the following criteria:
1. Previously, he experienced headaches no less than 5 times
2. Lasted for 4 to 72 hours
3. Having 2 of the 4 following complaints: headaches, head throbbing, moderate to severe pain, can not perform routine activities
4. Accompanied by one of the following symptoms: nausea and / or vomiting; be sensitive to sound and light.
Some claimed the-counter medicines can cope with migraines and maintain nerve function. However, to ensure there are no serious problems with the nervous system, should consult with your doctor to get the right diagnosis