London, the decision to get a tattoo should have thought out carefully, because the art form is still very difficult to remove. So what happens if the tattoo is already stuck for years in the body?
Tattooing is one form of art that will stick for life in one's body. A new study reveals for the first time that the shape of this tattoo will deteriorate with age a person.
Ian Eames, a fluid mechanics researcher from University College London have created a mathematical model that can be used to predict the movement of tattoo ink particles from time to time and give a better idea in design it.
"Tattoos are very popular around the world, this study gives an idea of how it chooses the image can look good for several years," said Eames, as quoted from ABC.net.au, Friday (29/04/2011).
"This type of skin, age, size of the tattoo, sun exposure and type of ink used can affect how the tattoo spreads from time to time," said Eames.
Eames said that after years of sticking in the body the tattoo will:
1. Tattoo inks are generally made from the suspension of water-soluble particles such as mercury, cadmium, lead and iron that is injected under the skin to form an image by using a needle. With time and age, then the particles of this ink will spread.
2. Small detail of the tattoo will disappear first, then detail a thicker began to be affected.
Although initially the tattoo looks good and could be understood their meaning, but after 15 years of age may be an image that looks different and can be more difficult to understand its meaning.
3. After years of color can fade or appear fault lines of the picture, and picture tattoo will look weird when entering the age of an 50-year result was the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.
4. Other side effects that may arise from tattooing is a risk of infection such as the use of unsterile needles or content of harmful substances from the ink used.