Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men's Health. Show all posts

How to shrink the enlarged male breast due to being overweight

How to shrink the enlarged male breast due to being overweight
Breasts are raising is a nightmare for him, because no man wants to use a bra. So what to do to get rid of the shame of male breasts enlarged?

There are two things that can cause enlarged male breasts, namely excess body weight and medical condition called gynecomastia.

Male breast enlargement due to health conditions in the medical dictionary called gynecomastia, an abnormal growth of male breast. This is related to the growth of breast tissue. This condition may occur on one or both breasts.

Approximately 30-65 percent of men have a chance of having gynecomastia. And about 50-70 percent boys have gynecomastia during puberty, this phenomenon is only temporary and can last for several months.

In addition to health conditions, breast enlargement in men most often caused by being overweight. Male breast is also composed of fatty tissue stored over the pectoral muscle. To eliminate the fat in the breast, there are several exercises that can be done.

Here are some ways that can be done to shrink the enlarged male breast due to being overweight, as reported by Askmen, Saturday (28/05/2011):

Cardio exercise
Cardio exercise will burn some calories in a certain time, so that helps tighten the breast in men. Some cardio exercises that can tighten the male breast is:

1. Run
Road and running is the easiest cardio workout and burn enough calories.

2. Oar
Rowing is great exercise that has benefits for male breast toning exercises because it covers the upper body.

3. Tennis, basketball, hockey and football
The sport is a cardio workout that involves all muscle movement. Not only burn body fat, exercise can also tighten the male breast.

Weight training
Resistance training not only burns calories but also helps increase muscle mass. Weight training will also mambangun chest muscles strong and beautiful.

Weight training is lifting weights for example, push-ups and other exercises using such equipment in the fitness center or gym.

Shot of the sperm out Can Achieve 2 Meters

Shot of the sperm out Can Achieve 2 Meters
When having an orgasm, men will eject sperm with varying strength and speed. Its reach is also not the same, there are only a trickle a few centimeters in front of him but some are able to reach a distance of almost 2 meters if sprayed out or not to partner.

Prof. Alfred C. Kinsey, researchers from Indiana University revealed that in his research in 1998. Of the hundreds of men that he researched, 60 percent only capable of spraying or can be spelled 'shed' sperm at a distance of only a few centimeters.

But in some men, sperm during ejaculation spray distance can reach a distance of 70-10 inches, or about 17-25 cm. Even though not many, some men in the study of sperm capable of spraying up to a distance of 150-182 cm, or nearly 2 meters.

Distance bursts of sperm to the extent that it rarely happens, because in other studies almost never exist beyond a distance of 1 meter. Sexologists from the United States, William H. Masters and Virginia E Johnson says the distance average blast of sperm is only about 30-60 cm.

Several other studies also show the reach of sperm difficult to pass through the range of 60 cm. But Dr Jerry Kennard of St. John's University in his article quoted from, Thursday (05/26/2011) says the reach ejaculation in some cases can reach 3 feet or about 91.4 cm.

However, the measurement of bursts during ejaculation distance judged to be too much benefit. In the reproductive system, the distance is almost no effect because the sperm gush deep inside the vagina that could not reach a count meter.

Distance traveled to achieve uterine sperm averaged only 5 cm, so that bursts of speed and distance did not significantly affect the chances of conception. What matters is the number of sperm, normal morphological shape and of course the movement should be agile.