Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Why Can Hyperglycemia Diabetes Patients?

Why Can Hyperglycemia Diabetes Patients?
It is very important for diabetics to maintain their blood sugar levels remained in stable condition. That is, they should not forget to take the drug in accordance with physician orders and follow a healthy lifestyle.

When blood sugar levels rise very high, the condition is called in medical terms with hyperglycemia. Here are some conditions that can cause high sugar levels increase in patients with diabetes:

     If you suffer from diabetes type 1, it means that insulin levels are decreased in the blood.
     If you have Type 2 diabetes, insulin produced by the body are not processed effectively.
     Too much eating or lack of exercise.
     Suffering from disease or infection.
     Being emotional or stress.
Tips for Controlling Blood Sugar

Tips for Controlling Blood Sugar

Tips for Controlling Blood Sugar
Maintaining blood sugar levels as close to normal value is the best way to avoid complications of diabetes.

But, how?

Here are some things you can try to maintain blood sugar levels in diabetic normal limits according to the American Diabetes Association:
  •      Make changes gradually. Start by checking blood sugar levels as often as possible.
  •      Understand that you yourself are currently suffering from diabetes, including efforts to overcome kemaharan and depression.
  •      Try realistic that you will not always get blood sugar levels are normal but with persistent practice you can administer insulin injections or medications better.
  •      If because of a case of failure, try to quickly realize and start again from scratch.

Breastfeeding When You Suffer Diabetes

Breastfeeding When You Suffer Diabetes
Breastmilk is the best food for your baby. What if you suffer from diabetes or diabetes? Can breastfeeding and how?

The answer may be, and here are some things you should do in order to prevent the decrease in blood sugar / hypoglycemia while you are breastfeeding.
  • Remember to eat a snack before or during breastfeeding.
  • Drinking a glass of water or drinks without caffeine while breastfeeding.
  • Before feeding, make sure the snack or drugs are near to you so quickly resolved when you experience a decrease in blood sugar levels.
  • Make sure you always consult with a nutritionist and a doctor of good food and calories for those of you who are breastfeeding.

Stay for Blood Sugar Stable

The patients with diabetes mellitus elderly must accept the bitter truth. When he was already old and lived in all the limitations, they still have to set the pattern of life.

The problem, change habits or routines that have been done during the productive period, certainly not an easy task. But, for the sake of a better survival, the elderly with diabetes mellitus should be able to do so.

Here are a number of pillars that need to be people with diabetes mellitus and their relatives. First, diligently following the extension. Counseling is not just directed at patients only, but a companion to a family member.

Counseling may be provided by doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and social workers who interact with people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition to a healthy lifestyle, counseling materials also presents techniques to communicate with their elderly patients.

Of course, communicate with old-old patients should be full of patience. "The approach with elderly patients is not easy, especially for those diabetics who had no cognitive impairment," said Mulyadi Tedjapranata, Director of Clinical Medizone.

One of the cars effectively communicate with elderly people with diabetes mellitus are forming small groups. Interactions that occur within the group can raise their spirit to continue to lead a healthy life.

"At least, they do not feel alone and mentally down. In addition, they will also be encouraged by the success of other successful people go through life as people with diabetes mellitus," said Mulyadi.

Planning consuming food. Planning meals in diabetics aged lagjut not an easy task. "Do not forget, they will be more sensitive, especially if there are other complications, such as hypertension," explained Suhanto, Head of Medical Services Mediros hospital, in Jakarta.

Planning to eat it aims to achieve weight loss while keeping elderly patients at an ideal position based on metabolic indices, ie, 22 to 25 in male patients and 18 to 24 in female patients.

If there are complications with other diseases, intake of fiber should be noted. Generally, a good fiber intake between 23-25 grams per day. Can also interspersed with the provision of adequate vitamins and minerals. Therefore, patients should consult with a physician or nutritionist.

Providing, of fiber per day is divided into three portions, namely breakfast by 20%, 30% lunch, and dinner 25%. It's still a light meal can be added for a total of 10% to 15% of food portions. "Never more than that," said Mulyadi.

The composition of a balanced diet can not resist disease more severe diabetes mellitus. The composition of a balanced diet for elderly patients, ie 60% carbohydrate - 70%, protein 10% - 15%, and fat 20% to 25%.

Total calories naturally adapted to the needs of an elderly every day. Typically, 24 to 35 basal caloric needs (CLA) is an ideal range for them. "Plus the patient activity of 10% - 30% of basal calories," said Mulyadi.

physical exercise. For elderly patients with diabetes mellitus, do physical exercise need not be too heavy. Walk or small run for 30 minutes is the recommended sports activities.

Benefits of physical exercise can improve insulin sensitivity, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles and bones, reduce obesity, improve blood sugar levels, reducing the need for medication, and improve psychosocial problems.


The use of oral hypoglycemic drugs (Oho). Which includes Oho, for example, first-generation drug class sulphonilurla to three, as daonil and Amaryl, and functional biguanid, such as Glucophage.